Traffic Ticket Tips.
There’s a wealth of traffic ticket information below… but where to start? You can throw caution to the wind and just scroll down till you find something interesting… or you can choose from the categories below to zoom in on an area of interest (scroll down after clicking). Regardless, we hope you learn a thing or two in the process.

Do You Know What to Do in a Car Accident in Calgary?
Getting into a traffic accident, your fault or not, can be a very stressful event in anyone’s life. When you’re in the middle of the mayhem do you know what needs to get done?

Do Speeding Tickets Affect Insurance?
Very few drivers understand that accumulating speeding tickets on their driving record can cause catastrophic increases in their insurance premiums. Find out how much that really is…

A Careless Driving Ticket After an Accident in Alberta
Careless driving, sometimes called reckless driving, is the most serious moving violation in Alberta. It brings the SAME insurance premium increase as if you got an Impaired Driving conviction. That will mean thousands of extra dollars per year on your insurance rates… for three years or more (we’re really not kidding)!

Flashing Headlights - Stunting Ticket Alberta
You just drove past a radar trap working traffic going in the other direction, so you do the ‘good deed’ and flash your headlights to warn oncoming drivers. Wonder if they’ll be willing to help you pay your outrageous fine?

Prevent Motorcycle Accidents in Alberta
Every year, especially in springtime, we're guaranteed to have motorcycle accidents, including fatalities. Find out why this is such a predictable occurrence and what you can do to prevent a motor bike accident and save a life or two.

Paying Your Ticket? …or Fight It?
If a Calgary traffic cop gives you a ticket you HAVE to pay it… right? Not exactly…

Hit and Run Accident
Nearly all of us have been involved in a hit and run accident. HUH? This serious offence happens many times a day in Calgary, and though you weren’t caught, you're probably guilty…

Parking Lot Accident Fault
You’re driving along the main thoroughfare of a busy mall parking lot, frantically looking for an empty stall and a car pulls out of the parking aisle to your right, smashing into you. Who’s at fault?

Stunting Ticket, Alberta - Road Rage
We’ve all dealt with annoying drivers who seem like they must have gotten their license from a gum machine…. but before you attempt to “teach them a lesson” take a minute to find out who will be the one most likely to get “taught”.

Playground and School Zone Speeding Tickets
It’s 8:45 pm… totally dark! The sun set more than 2 hours ago, but you’re getting a ticket for doing 50 through a school zone! Huh?

Speeding in a Construction Zone
I’m driving through a construction area at night and there are no workers present. The construction zone speed limit signs can’t really apply to me now… do they?

Will Police Let You View Radar Readings?
You got stopped for speeding, but you’re positive you weren’t going that fast. You ask to see the radar reading but the officer refuses!

How to Earn Demerit Points Back
How does the demerit point system work in Alberta?... and can I get them removed from my driving record?

Can You Speed to Pass?
According to Alberta speeding laws, how many kph over the speed limit are you allowed to go in order to pass a slow moving vehicle?