Camera Tickets in Alberta
Photo Radar or Red Light Camera Tickets
If you received a photo radar or red light camera ticket in the mail, the good news is there’s no insurance impact or demerits associated with these tickets. The not so good news is Alberta prosecutors no longer offer fine reductions on camera tickets.
If you feel you were wrongly charged, submit a not guilty plea and you’ll get a trial date so you can tell the judge your story. If they agree with you, you may get the ticket withdrawn but you’ll pay the full fine if they don’t.
Please only contact us if you have a mandatory court appearance photo radar ticket (the pink ones for more than 50 km/h over the speed limit)... we can still help with those. …but the regular ones… there’s no benefit in retaining us.
If your red light ticket was given to you directly by a police officer, that’s a different story entirely. Please visit this page for more details.