Traffic Ticket Solutions Calgary Drivers Trust
The Pointman is Randall Boyd Hicks, the original traffic ticket agent in all of Western Canada. Randall joined the Metro Toronto Police Service in 1972, finishing his 15-year police career with the Edmonton Police Service in 1987. During those years of service, Randall developed into a courtroom expert in motor vehicle collision investigation and traffic law. He also became an expert breathalyzer technician, and was an assistant instructor on breathalyzer courses for police officers.
After a near fatal neck injury on the job in 1986, Randall left the Edmonton Police Service and relocated to Calgary. There, in September 1987, he opened the first traffic ticket agency in southern Alberta.
Now, with more than 45 years of traffic courtroom experience... over 30 with his practice... Randall Boyd Hicks remains the most experienced Alberta Court of Justice Agent for traffic tickets in Western Canada. He specializes in defending charges arising from motor vehicle collisions, including collisions involving fatalities, but the mainstay of his business has been providing traffic ticket services for everyday tickets.
A highly principled businessman, with an unshakeable commitment to ethical business practices, Randall Hicks has evolved into a national watchdog for police enforcement mandates across Canada. The media routinely ask for comment on a wide variety of police enforcement initiatives. He’s amassed a wealth of media contacts and has cultivated relationships with heads of several significant insurance companies and other large corporations. He maintains an excellent rapport with members of many provincial and municipal governments throughout Canada and the United States. Randall is a voluntary adherent to the Rules of Conduct set out by the Law Society of Alberta and his clients retain him knowing they are represented by a consummate professional.
Randall Hicks is responsible for the world’s only successful mechanical defense to photo radar camera technology. The landmark defeat of the Multanova Photo Radar in 1990 means the Calgary Police Service uses photo radar cameras at only half the capacity the manufacturer says they're capable of. He proved the photo radar cameras do not accurately photograph violators EVERY time. They will "from time to time photograph the wrong vehicle" (from trial judge Bernard Laven). That's millions of dollars none of us are paying to the government!
Randall Hicks is NOT a scoff-law. He is an ardent supporter of meaningful traffic enforcement intended to make our roadways safer… but so many traffic tickets do nothing but fill the city coffers. He’s the traffic ticket help you need to keep more of that money safely in your pocket!
Trustworthy. Honorable. Unshakeable Integrity and Performance. "Always in your court"™.
Find out more about why The Pointman is your most effective choice in defending you against traffic tickets in Calgary and area.