What is Excessive Speeding in Alberta?
Excessive speeding means you were going more than 50 km/h above the posted speed
…and if you missed a construction zone sign it can be easier to do than you might think.
If your speeding ticket is 50 km/h or less over the posted limit (fine amount listed on the ticket), you’ll want to read this page.
What is the Penalty for Excessive Speeding in Alberta Courts?
When it comes to excessive speeding, Alberta courts are really tough. If you’re caught going more than 50 km/h over the speed limit you enter the suspension zone. Your excessive speeding ticket will come with no fine. It orders you to appear in front of a judge to determine your excessive speeding fine and other penalties involved.
That fine can be up to $2500.00 and you can also face a 90 day license suspension.
Police can issue you a pair of tickets when they give you an excessive speeding ticket. They will often give you a Careless Driving ticket as well. That’s a 6-demerit offence that crushes your insurance premiums. Read up on how we can get that Careless Driving ticket eliminated while we fight your excessive speeding ticket.
Why You Want The Pointman to Help You Fight Your Excessive Speeding Ticket, Alberta!
Alberta traffic court prosecutors take a hard line when it comes to excessive speed but all have different views on how they choose to settle excessive speeding tickets. It’s our job to make sure we know who does what. Getting your file to the appropriate prosecutor is by far the most critical element for your ticket defence.
Through more than 36 years of fighting tickets in the greater Calgary area (the most in Western Canada), you can trust us to know who to go to, and what to do when we’re in that resolution meeting… and even though the excessive speeding ticket says you need to appear, if you retain us you won’t need to attend court. We take care of all that for you.
What to Expect When We Fight Your Ticket for Excessive Speed
Stopping an excessive speeding ticket from appearing on your driving record saves you thousands of dollars on future insurance premiums. Our primary goal is to resolve your file with no suspension, but if we're certain you'll be suspended, we'll tell you right at the beginning… no candy coating. You need to make an informed decision about dealing with this serious charge and in our Free Consultation we’ll take the time to make everything very clear.
We take on your excessive speeding ticket with the intention to negotiate the lowest fine possible along with the shortest possible term of suspension (if a suspension is a certainty).
If you have a ticket for excessive speeding, there’s still hope of avoiding suspension. That often depends on which prosecutor controls the courtroom… and you can bet we know who’s who in the prosecutor’s office
This is a process you most certainly DO NOT want to face alone. Contact us for expert Alberta excessive speeding ticket advice during a FREE, no obligation, consultation.
Find out more about what a ticket for excessive speeding can do to you financially.