Do Traffic Tickets Affect Insurance?
You Bet They Do!
Very few drivers understand that accumulating traffic tickets on their driving record... even really minor ones... can cause catastrophic increases in their insurance premiums.
The amount of the fine on your traffic ticket has no impact on your insurance premiums. Demerit points also have no impact on your insurance.
Your rates go up based on: firstly, how many traffic tickets show on your driving record over a three year period; and secondly, what each of those offences are (eg. speeding ticket, red light camera fine etc.), minor, major or criminal in nature.
Managing your driving record (often plea bargaining) is critical to controlling insurance premiums.
It used to be that insurance companies forgave one conviction on your driving record (abstract) before increasing insurance premiums (sometimes two or three for long time clients). Some still do but in recent times, many carriers have become much more ruthless.
Here’s How Just a Minor Traffic Ticket Works Against Your Insurance When You Have Other Tickets
2 minor violations in 3 years: 25% - 50% increase
3 minor violations: 35% – 100% increase
4 minor violations: 50% – 200% increase
5 minor violations: 75% – 400% increase
6 minor violations: 100% – 800% increase
7 or more minor violations in 3 years: double the immediately preceeding percentage for each additional conviction
Criminal Code Convictions are significantly worse...
You’ll be looking at a 300% increase for your first conviction, 450% for the second, and an additional 150% for each additional criminal conviction.