Traffic Ticket Tips.
There’s a wealth of traffic ticket information below… but where to start? You can throw caution to the wind and just scroll down till you find something interesting… or you can choose from the categories below to zoom in on an area of interest (scroll down after clicking). Regardless, we hope you learn a thing or two in the process.

What is the Move Over Law in Alberta?
Alberta’s new move over law requires drivers in the lane closest to any stopped roadside worker or emergency vehicle with lights flashing to slow down to 60 km/h… or lower if posted. Find out more about this revised law introduced in September 2023.

Do Demerit Points Affect Insurance in Alberta?
Most often, when we speak to people about traffic tickets, they want us to eliminate demerit points so their insurance rates won't go up. Read about the REAL reason traffic tickets affect insurance.

How Large is a Ticket for Changing Lanes in an Intersection? – All About Unsafe Lane Change Tickets
We’ve all been there… locked up in rush hour traffic, when suddenly there’s an opening to jump lanes and pass those slowpokes in front of you, but you’re right in the middle of the intersection … ain’t it just the way! How much do you think that improper lane change ticket costs you?

What are the Current Speeding Fines in Alberta?
What are the latest Alberta speeding ticket fines? See the listing as of the price hike on April 1, 2020 (yeah, that wasn’t lost on us either).

Failure to Produce Driver's License, Registration, & Fail to Produce Insurance Card
The fine on these traffic tickets has risen nearly 3500% since 1995 and it’s handed out way more often. Just recently the fine has gone up yet again (along with all other traffic ticket fines).