Failure to Produce Driver's License, Registration, & Fail to Produce Insurance Card


The fine on these traffic tickets has risen nearly 3500% since 1995 and it’s handed out way more often. Just recently, that fine has gone up yet again (along with all other traffic ticket fines in Alberta). Read on...

Section 167(1) of Alberta’s Traffic Safety Act states:

On the request of a peace officer, a person driving or otherwise having the care or control of a motor vehicle or trailer shall produce to the peace officer for inspection the following documents as requested by the peace officer

(a) the person’s subsisting operator’s licence;

(b) the subsisting certificate of registration issued respect of the motor vehicle and any trailer attached to the motor vehicle and, in the case of a vehicle in a prescribed class of commercial vehicles, either the subsisting certificate of registration or a copy of the certificate of registration;

(c) the subsisting financial responsibility card issued in respect of that motor vehicle

(blah, blah, blah)

That gripping little piece of work means you need to be able to produce your license, registration and insurance papers whenever you are asked for them by a police officer. Not tomorrow at the police station, and not a picture of them on your phone. The real documents need to be given to the officer when asked for or you’ll most likely be left holding a ticket for each of the documents you do not have in your possession. It’s not that you do not HAVE insurance or registration or your driver’s license… just that you don’t have them WITH YOU.

My Insurance Company Gave Me a Digital Copy of My Insurance Card… Why Can’t I use That?

In recent times, some insurance companies have advised their customers that a digital copy of their insurance card is sufficient for the police. In Alberta, many officers continue to issue tickets for Failing to Produce a Valid Pink card when a digital copy is presented. They do that because the officer has no way to ensure the document on your phone is authentic, so they issue the charge. We recommend you always have the original card with you.

Now, waaaaay back in the mid 90’s, the fine for failing to produce your licence, registration, or insurance card was just $5.00… really! These tickets weren’t issued much because it was way too much effort to write up a ticket for a measly five bucks. Then the fine went up to $57 and we started seeing a few more “fail to produce” violations.

More recently you’d get stung $172.00 for EACH of the three documents you couldn’t produce - then it went to $233.00 - when requested and suddenly we saw them by the thousands. Curious, huh?…

NOW… a moment of forgetfulness could cost you as much as $729.00 (3 tickets x $243.00) – YOUCH!!

There is hope: If you get caught without your paperwork, we GUARANTEE to get that fine dropped dramatically so the new fine total will be far less money than you’d pay without our help… AND like any other ticket we help you fight, you can fight it where you are RIGHT NOW… on your mobile phone… and best of all, you’ll never spend one minute in a courtroom! That’s our job.

There are no demerit points for these kind of tickets and no impact on your insurance… Just a massive cash grab.

Keep as much of your hard earned money in your pocket as possible… contact us today!!

Find out how easy it is to fight your traffic ticket with our "Easy No Brainer System".

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