Is Stunt Driving a Criminal Charge in Alberta?
Absolutely not! Caution… Misleading Stunt Driving Meaning on the Web
We’ve seen a variety of misleading information on the web about stunt driving penalties in Alberta.
Just to clarify…
…you will NOT get a Mandatory court appearance summons for stunt driving…
…you will NOT face jail time of up to 6 months…
…you will NOT see fines of up to $2700…
…you will NOT receive a suspension up to 90 days, unless you’ve been naughty and have a bunch of other tickets on your record to go along with the stunting charge, and even then your first time demerit suspension is only 30 days (but that still does indeed suck, we know).
The Alberta Stunt Driving Charge - How it Really Impacts You
Here are the facts… As an Alberta driver, if you do anything with your vehicle that MIGHT distract any other driver on the road, you’re liable for 3 demerits, a really lovely $567.00 fine… and (the nasty part)… a stunt driving charge is a major violation in Alberta which is as horrific to your insurance rates as getting a careless driving charge… it can be thousands of extra dollars out of your pocket over the next three years.
What is Stunt Driving?
According to the Alberta Traffic Safety Act you'll get a stunt driving charge whenever you “perform or engage in any stunt or other activity on a roadway that is likely to distract, startle, or interfere with other users of the roadway”. We have another page on our site that spells out the different ways you can receive a stunting charge and one other blog post about a really surprising way you can receive a stunt driving Alberta charge.
How Do You Beat a Stunt Driving Charge?
We have been defending drivers in Alberta courts for over 36 years and we certainly know how to deal with a stunt driving charge. Every resolution meeting we have with prosecutors about stunt driving is whether the officer’s version of the charge matches the circumstances of the event. We often find the officer used the wrong charge and we negotiate a resolution that keeps the stunt driving violation from showing on your driving record. Prosecutors can sometimes be open to a fine reduction as well. We'll certainly do our best to get that for you whenever possible.
If you have a stunt driving charge, contact us now for a free, no obligation consultation for the real facts on how we can help you.