How Much is a Reckless Driving Ticket in Alberta?

First of all… What is a Reckless Driving Ticket?


There’s lots of confusion surrounding use of the terms Reckless Driving and Careless Driving. There actually is no such term in Alberta traffic law. A reckless driving ticket uses an American term that has been adopted by Albertans through TV shows and movies. The correct term in Alberta is “careless driving” or sometimes called “undue care and attention” on the ticket you’ll receive.

Find out more about Careless and Reckless Driving Tickets

How Many Points is a Reckless Driving Ticket?

A reckless driving ticket means 6 demerits on your driving record.

That sounds harsh, but it’s not the worst of it…

What Does a Reckless Driving Ticket Cost?…. Really?

A reckless driving ticket in Alberta carries a fine of $567.00 and is the most serious moving violation in Alberta traffic law. Is a reckless driving ticket a criminal offense?... not at all… but you will certainly get treated like a criminal by your insurer. A conviction for a reckless driving ticket brings the same insurance increase as an impaired driving conviction, with catastrophic financial impact. It can mean thousands of dollars out of your pocket over the next three years!

How to Fight a Reckless Driving Ticket and Why You’ll Want to Use The Pointman.

Up until now, everything you’ve read seems like pretty bad news. The good news is that after more than 36 years defending Alberta drivers we’ve never lost a reckless driving charge.

We Can Keep That Reckless Driving Ticket Off Your Driving Record

We have a wide variety of reckless driving solutions and can guarantee to get you out from under this very serious violation. We’ll tell you more about that during a free, no obligation consultation. Contact us now to find out more…