Where Do I Pay My Traffic Ticket?
So You Wanna Pay Your Traffic Ticket?
We understand many of you just want to get that stupid thing out of your hair as quickly as possible. We'll give you all the information you need to pay Alberta tickets online or how to pay your ticket in person, but first we wanted to alert you on what's really at stake here. It's so much more than just the fine.
What you may not realize is if you choose to pay your ticket, you’re actually damaging your driving record, which increases your insurance bills, costing you enormous amounts of money. Even minor traffic violations can raise your insurance rates dramatically.
Demerits can also catch up on you. If you're on a GDL you're allowed 7 demerits, if you have your full license, you get 14. Any ticket after that within 2 years and you're scrambling to figure out bus routes or how you're going to be able to ride a bicycle to work for a month. If you live in Airdrie, that's a pretty long ride to downtown Calgary.
Now, if you choose to fight the ticket...
Your Situation Can Absolutely Improve.
The majority of traffic tickets can be negotiated to stay off your driving record and many charges are easily modified to have significantly less impact on your driving record… and your wallet
It Takes So Little Time To Fight Your Ticket.
You can complete the task with us right where you are… in just a few minutes. See our “Easy No Brainer System” for more details.
It's Less Expensive Than You Think.
You’ll spend significantly less than you’d expect for so much more than you bargained for… and the hidden expenses (did we mention insurance?) may be astronomical if you just pay.
SO DON’T PAY TICKETS ALBERTA! Try us out… contact us for that No Obligation Consultation which is ABSOLUTELY FREE... and we're really low pressure guys!
Now, if we didn't convince you…
here's how you can pay your ticket online or in person
Pay Traffic Ticket Online – Alberta
The easiest way to pay your traffic ticket is to visit My Alberta eSERVICES web page to pay your tickets online. Just plug in your ticket numbers (no spaces) and it will give you the option to pay via credit card or interac card with just a $3 service fee.
Alberta Traffic Ticket Payment at a Courthouse
You can visit any courthouse in Alberta to pay your traffic ticket in person. Join the lineup at the cashier and you can make your payment with no service charge. We have included, below, all the contact information you’ll need for the court locations in Southern Alberta.
Pay My Traffic Ticket at a Registry
You cannot pay part 2 tickets (Mandatory Court Appearances) but all other traffic tickets are payable at registries across the province. Be aware that traffic ticket payment service fees at registries can be as high as $20, so it might not be your best option for ticket payment.
Mail in Your Traffic Ticket Payment
You can snail mail your ticket payment by cheque (do not send cash in the mail) to any of the court locations listed below. Just make note of the ticket number somewhere on the cheque.
Court Locations in Southern Alberta
Here are the addresses and phone numbers of all the court locations throughout Southern Alberta. You can appear in person to pay your traffic tickets or you can mail them as well. If the court location you need is not listed here please visit The Alberta Courts website.
Airdrie: Suite 113, 104 - 1st Avenue NW T4B 0R6 • (403) 948-5840
Brooks: 220 - 4 Avenue W T1R 0G1 • (403) 362-1238
Calgary: 601 - 5th Street SW T2P 5P7 • (403) 592-2922
Canmore: Suite 101, 800 Railway Avenue T1W 1P1 • (403) 678-2355
Cochrane: 213 1 St W. T4C 1Z3 • (403) 932-3223
Didsbury: 1611 - 15 Avenue T0M 0W0 • (403) 335-3424
Drumheller: 511 - 3 Avenue T0J 0Y0 • (403) 820-7300
Lethbridge: 320 - 4 Street S T1J 1Z8 • (403) 381-5223
Medicine Hat: 460 First Street SE T1A 0A8 • (403) 529-8644
Okotoks: 98 McRae Street T1S 1J3 • (403) 938-7953
Red Deer: 4909 - 48 Avenue T4N 3T5 • (403) 340-5250
Strathmore: 226 - 2 Avenue T1P 0B3 • (403) 934-2151
Turner Valley: 223 Main Street T0L 1K0 • (403) 933-6225